



Coordinated Autonomous Driving in 5G via Joint Visual 3D Exploration

地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2019年11月1日 10:00am
講者: Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang

Associate Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA



With the huge amount of networked video cameras available everywhere nowadays, such as the roadside surveillance cameras and the vehicles/drone cameras for autonomous driving or aerial surveillance applications, there is an urgent need of systematic and coordinated mining of the detected video objects in the 3D physical world. Thanks to the ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) capability of the emergent 5G mobile networks, the information derived from advanced video object detections, multiple object tracking and 3D object localization based on these static and moving cameras can be jointly explored by the mobile edge computing (MEC) and real-time shared by all the local users through V2X infrastructure. To achieve this goal, several critical challenges need to be effectively overcome, more specifically, reliable SLAM-based visual odometry for pose estimation (self-calibration) of moving cameras, robust tracking-by-detection for detected object associations in presence of missing or erroneous detections, reliable ground plane estimation for 2D to 3D inferences, finally coordinated mining of multiple cameras. In this talk, I will cover all these topics and propose our optimized strategies of integrating these research components.





Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation for Deep Reinforcement Learning
地點: 台中國網中心
時間: 2019年4月11日 11:00am
講者: Dr. Pascal Poupart
  David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo


 I will present a new technique for deep reinforcement learning that automatically detects moving objects and uses the relevant information for action selection. The detection of moving objects is done in an unsupervised way by exploiting structure from motion. Instead of directly learning a policy from raw images, the agent first learns to detect and segment moving objects by exploiting flow information in video sequences. The learned representation is then used to focus the policy of the agent on the moving objects. Over time, the agent identifies which objects are critical for decision making and gradually builds a policy based on relevant moving objects. This approach, which we call Motion-Oriented REinforcement Learning (MOREL), is demonstrated on a suite of Atari games where the ability to detect moving objects reduces the amount of interaction needed with the environment to obtain a good policy. Furthermore, the resulting policy is more interpretable than policies that directly map images to actions or values with a black box neural network. We can gain insight into the policy by inspecting the segmentation and motion of each object detected by the agent. This allows practitioners to confirm whether a policy is making decisions based on sensible information.




Harnessing Artificial Intelligence

地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2019年4月10日 2:00pm
講者: Dr. Pascal Poupart
  David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo


With the rise of Artificial intelligence, numerous governments, academic institutions and enterprises have launched various initiatives to capitalize on the opportunities that arise from advances in Artificial Intelligence. In this talk, I will give an overview of the research activities and research goals two academic institutes, the Vector Institute for AI and the Waterloo AI Institute, as well as one industrial institute, the Borealis AI Institute funded by the Royal Bank of Canada.




Challenges on scaling basic biology to National Laboratories




2018年12月4日 下午14:00~16:00


Dr. Rafael Vescovi, Narayanam “Bobby” Kasthuri

University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratories



In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen created the first and most famous radiography using x-ray radiation. In 1989, Spanish neuroscientist Santiago Ramon y Cajal observed and drawed the first known figures of neurons and the nervous system. In 1931, Ernest Ruska developed the first working Electron Microscope. These facts may seem uncorrelated at first but they will come together on the challenge of scaling basic anatomy to the level of National Laboratories. Almost 100 years after the birth of modern neuroanatomy and the challenge is still the same, how will we map all the neuro structure on a whole human brain. This presentation will cover the current efforts to merge the most modern neuroscience techniques, material science imaging techniques and super computer facilities in order to scale biology to collaboration levels like CERN or NASA




Overview of high performance computing studies in SCCS




2018年9月21日 上午10:00~12:00



高效能與科學計算技術研究中心, 國立臺灣大學



An overview of the high performance computing works conducted in SCCS will be given. Our aim is to give audience a brief introduction of what we have done in the past, our current research works and some future works under current planning. It is best hoped to initialize some possible joint researches with the faculties in NCHC








2018年8月7日 上午10:00~12:00






全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)為多國政府在經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)於1999 年決議成立,多年來協同各國節點及國際主要自然史典藏機構及生態監測網絡推動生 物多樣性領域的開放資料文化,並建置資料流通之資訊學基礎建設。GBIF.org於今年六 月累積突破10億筆物種出現紀錄,6,249篇引用資料的期刊論文及報告,成為相關研究 及政策討論不可或缺的資料來源。 國際上生物多樣性資訊相關組織、計畫及工作發展面向及層次多元且複雜,GBIF 於2012年召開全球生物多樣性資訊會議,會同領域內近百位專家、經理人及學者,共 同研議《全球生物多樣性資訊展望》(Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook, GBIO), 提供一包含「文化」、「資料」、「證據」及「理解」等層次的合作框架,並於今年 七月再度召開會議,推演適合領域現況的協同機制,以促進生物多樣性資訊工作能協 助各國達成推動實現愛知目標及聯合國永續發展目標。 臺灣的生物多樣性資料在科技部及林務局多年的支持、以及特有生物研究保育中 心的協同推動下,目前在GBIF.org累積有約300萬筆紀錄,然而參考GBIO,國內在分 享資料、使用資料及資訊服務建置上仍有許多面向有待更多組織協同合作,以支持研 究課題證據導向的討論、保育工作的規劃及相關政策的執行,以永續經營臺灣獨特的 自然環境,促進經濟發展及社會健康。 本報告簡介GBIF及GBIO,探討在全球生物多樣性資訊活動的脈絡下,臺灣生物 多樣性資訊工作的現況及可能的協同發展方向。




SDN/NFV-Based Security On Demand System





2018年7月31日 上午10:00~12:00


Dr. 周立德

中央大學資訊工程系 特聘教授

中央大學電算中心 主任



本演講將介紹一結合軟體定義網路(Software Defined Networks, SDN)、網路功能虛擬化(Network Function Virtualization, NFV)及服務功能鏈(Service Function Chain, SFC)的資安隨選系統,能針對不同使用者來彈性地進行不同等級的資安監控。本系統榮獲 2017 年通訊大賽-SDN/NFV 創新應用組冠軍。此外,時間若有餘裕,演講人亦將簡介所開發的智慧客服系統,該系統已實際於國立中央大學電子計算機中心提供諮詢服務。



Carbon storage due to aquatic ecosystem using a hydrological model





2018年7月11日 上午10:00~12:00


prof. Keisuke Nakayama

Kobe University



在全球的水中大氣生態系統中捕獲和儲存的碳應用 用以預防和減輕氣候變化帶來的災難。 但是,尚未理解由水中生態系統引起的碳捕獲的細節機制 波和電流的複雜性由基於時間變化、有機物質分佈、鹽度、水溫 、酸鹼值,溶解無機物等決定的。 三維數值計算被認為是其中之一 最合適的方法是為了澄清複雜的質量 在分層流場中運輸。 因此, 研究目的是在沿海地區和亞熱帶湖泊開展合作野外觀察 ,並包括開發新模式關於水中生態系統在分層中的碳吸收。



Data Applications in the Political Field





2018年6月13日 上午10:30~12:30


Dr. 謝一平




從數據資料的角度,觀察分析人類行為 金融、體育、政治……等。對於資訊爆炸的時代,數據資料研究政治行為 例如選舉投票、議題攻防、網路社群、街頭運動,本演講分享數據如何在政治領域上的應用



The shape of Data: A Short Introduction to Topological Data Analysis





2018年5月31日 上午10:00~12:00


Mr. Frédéric Chazal

Inria Research Center Sacla



Frédéric Chazal is Directeur de Recherche (DR1) at INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France. He holds his PhD in Pure Mathematics at Université de Bourgogne. He is a member of editorial board of Discrete and Computational Geometry (Springer), SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences and Graphical Models (Elsevier). His main research interests are in the fields of Topological and Geometric Data Analysis: statistical methods, inference and learning Topological persistence; Geometric inference and geometric learning; Computational Geometry, Geometry processing and Solid Modeling and Geometry and Topology. He published many papers in leading international journals and books. See: Frédéric's web page







2018年5月28日 上午10:00~12:00


Ms. 許美鈴




面對老齡化的未來,醫療與養護的整合將成為全球的趨勢。當醫療服務逐漸走出醫院的圍牆,雲端與行動將是支撐服務的必要資訊建設,整合、大數據與人工智慧將為人類的醫療與照護帶來重要突破。但來自不同來源的資料如何整合? 服務團隊彼此間的資料如何互通? 是整合服務與大數據建構必需面對的問題,本演講將與大家分享如何邁向醫療照護的互通世代。


主題:  Lifemapper: 300年來的地球生命製圖與未來預測工具
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2018年5月4日 10:00am
講者: Ms. Aimee Stewart, and Dr. CJ Grady.
  Biodiversity Institute, U. of Kansas, USA


In this webinar we will describe the research goals and computational capabilities of Lifemapper software. The Lifemapper platform takes as input georeferenced point data of known species occurrences based on biological museum specimens and observations of species in the wild.  Lifemapper generates predicted species distribution models or suitable habitat models for plants and animals based on correlations between distributions documented by specimens, and environmental data layers such as climate, substrates, and vegetation cover.  In addition the Project computes multi-species distribution models for regions or continents into data structures known as presence-absence matrices which are then used to compute various biodiversity indices and statistics. These derived products are also useful for analyzing the relative contribution of historic biogeography and phylogeny on patterns of species diversity found in any particular area, region, or island.




從菜鳥警察到資料戰警 --- Data scientist as police




2018年4月13日 上午10:00~12:00


Mr. 柯維然




  1. 從資料看交通安全
  2. 警政資料分析
  3. 應用深度學習於車流預測
  4. 監錄系統智慧化與邁向人工智慧



New Developments in German and European HPC




2018年3月28日 上午10:00~12:00


Dr. Michael M. Resch

HPC Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany



The European Commission has recently launched a new initiative for the funding of HPC. Called a Joint Undertaking the initiative aims to be competitive in the
field of HPC especially with resepct to the race for Exaflop computer. in this talk we will present a quick look at HLRS, the German strategy fo HPC and the status
of the European niitiative.



Online Social Interactions, Information Life Cycle, Misinformation and Electronic Army





2018年3月20日 下午02:00~03:00



Prof. S. Felix Wu

 Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean of Academic Personnel and Research, College of Engineering, at UC Davis.



The popularity of social media systems provides us both a platform to exchange information and a challenging vulnerability for the concern of misinformation (i.e., "Fake News"). To analyze the interference between social interactions and information delivery, we have conducted a global, large-scale data analytic study regarding both people, including bots, and the content delivery triggering their interactions. While this trend enables us to explore social sciences computationally, it has also inspired computer scientists to adopt ideas from social sciences into the fundamentals of information processing. The focus of this talk is to articulate this linkage between social sciences and computer science under the broader topic of computational journalism. This linkage has inspired us to investigate a new paradigm to characterize the inter-process among online users, news media, and the computational delivery platform such as Facebook. We will present our latest results in analyzing the hidden properties on social media communities and their applications in analyzing misinformation and identifying behaviors of potential electronic army.



HPC meets Big Data / AI and Further Advances into the Post-Moor





2018年1月25日 下午02:00~05:00



Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka

Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Fellow, Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

Director, Joint AIST-Tokyo Tech. Open Innovation Lab on Real World Big Data Computing



With rapid rise and increase of Big Data and AI as a new breed of high-performance workloads on supercomputers, we need to accommodate them at scale, traditional simulation-based HPC and BD/AI will converge. Our TSUBAME3 supercomputer at Tokyo Institute of Technology became online in Aug. 2017, and became the greenest supercomputer in the world on the Green 500 ranking at 14.11 GFlops/W; the other aspect of TSUBAME3, is to embody various Data or "BYTES-oriented" features to allow for HPC to BD/AI convergence at scale, including significant scalable horizontal bandwidth as well as support for deep memory hierarchy and capacity, along with high flops in low precision arithmetic for deep learning. Furthermore, TSUBAM3's technologies will be commoditized to construct one of the world’s largest BD/AI focused and "open-source" cloud infrastructure called ABCI (AI-Based Bridging Cloud Infrastructure), hosted by AIST-AIRC (AI Research Center), the largest public funded AI research center in Japan. The performance of the machine is slated to be several hundred AI-Petaflops for machine learning; the true nature of the machine however, is its BYTES-oriented, optimization acceleration in the memory hiearchy, I/O, the interconnect etc, for high-performance BD/AI. ABCI will be online Spring 2018 and its archiecture, software, as well as the datacenter infrastructure design itself will be made open to drive rapid adoptions and improvements by the community, unlike the concealed cloud infrastructures of today. Finally, transcending from FLOPS-centric mindset to being BYTES-oriented will be one of the key solutions to the upcoming "end-of-Moore's law" in the mind 2020s, upon which FLOPS increase will cease and BYTES-oriented advances will be the new source of performance increases over time in general for any compputing.



The Quantum Computing Difference in Machine Learning





2017年11月22日 上午10:00~11:00



Mr. Handol Kim

D-wave System Inc.



Kanokvate Tungpimolrut was born in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1968. He received the B.Eng. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from King Mongkut’s Institue of Technology Ladkraband, in 1989, and the M. Eng. as well as D. Eng. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 1992 and 1995, respectively.

Following receipt of the D.Eng. degree, he was a researcher with Fuji Elctric Co., Ltd. Since 1996, he has been a researcher with National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand. His research interests are the induction motor drive system and switched reluctance motor interests are the switched reluctance motor and drive system as well as motor drive applications.



Brain Mapping@Argonne- MRI-X-Ray - Electron Microscopy and Supercomputers





2017年11月8日 10:am



Dr.  Rafael Vescovi

Argonne National Laboratory/University of Chicago



At low resolution scales (e.g. mm voxels), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques allow for in vivo or ex vivo mapping of neuronal tracts through a combination of diffusion-weighted imaging techniques and post-imaging computational tractography. While powerful, they cannot achieve the nanometer-scale resolution required to identify neuronal connections. Moreover, they have never been thoroughly validated against ground truth high-resolution data. At the highest resolution scale (e.g. nm voxels), recent efforts at automated electron microcopy (EM) provide synapse-level resolution (3 nm) but are currently limited to brain volumes of the size of a grain of sand and face serious computational challenges scaling to even 2 pixels of MRI data at 1 mm resolution (i.e. almost 2 petabytes of EM data). This unresolved mismatch between these imaging modalities (and others) partitions our understanding of the brain into ‘silos’ divided by resolution scales with little to no cross validation. The strengths of each modality are not leveraged for a more comprehensive understanding of the brain. This problem is only exacerbated since brains potentially operate at multiple scales in parallel (from communication via individual connections between neurons to communication between brain regions). Multi-resolution multi-modal brain maps are critically necessary for a more complete understanding of the brain.
We propose to use synchrotron-based micro-CT (uCT) to fill this gap, bridging the resolution divide between MRI and EM by providing intermediate resolution (e.g. micron voxels) over entire brains and with sample preparation conditions compatible with MRI and automated EM on the same brains. We propose to use uCT as a ‘Rosetta Stone’ enabling mapping of complete neuronal paths, allowing, for the first time, validation of dtMRI, and identifying areas of interest in both coarser resolution modalities for subsequent nanometer reconstructions with automated serial EM.  




Personalized Transfer Learning

地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年11月7日 10:00am
講者: Dr. Pascal Poupart
  David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo


In several application domains, data instances are produced by a population of individuals that exhibit a variety of different characteristics. For instance, in activity recognition, different individuals might walk or run with different gait patterns. Similarly, in sleep studies, different individuals might exhibit different patterns for the same sleep stages. In telecommunication networks, software applications might generate packet flows between servers according to different patterns. In such scenarios, it is tempting to treat the population as a homogeneous source of data and to learn a single average model for the entire population. However, this average model will perform poorly in recognition tasks for individuals that differ significantly from the average. Hence, there is a need for transfer learning techniques that take into account the variations between individuals within a population. In this talk, I will describe online algorithms to transfer knowledge on the fly from specific individuals within a population to a new individual in order to bootstrap the learning process in sequential tasks such as activity recognition, sleep stage identification and packet flow prediction in telecommunication networks.




環境變遷下的水域生態毒理與生態系代謝: 高頻監測資料與數理模式的應用





2017年11月3日 02:00pm


蔡正偉 博士


Dr. Tsai  study demonstrates that terrestrial loads of CDOM serve as a

controlling variable for understanding the response and sensitivity of
ecosystem carbon flux to variation in inter-annual precipitation.Aside from
the application of the study to control of the drinking water quality,
results of this study have important implications for predicting the trend,
magnitude, duration, and sensitivity of the response of subtropical
lakes/reservoirs function to future changes in precipitation patterns under
an altered climate.


主題:  Container Technology and System Software for Non-Volatile Memory
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年8月15日 02:00pm
講者: 高野了成 博士


We recently initiated a project to develop a cloud-based machine learning system based on the FCHA. Flow in Cloud is a pool of multiple kinds of processing engines such as FPGA and GPU connected by a circuit switch network. A special operating system, Flow OS, will combine, connect, and provide such engines to users based on job requirements. There are many technology developed behind the scene. One of them is the container technology. This talk will elaborate this effort for future AI platform.


主題:  股價操弄與稅務資料中的造假
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年7月6日 11:00am
講者: 葉錦徽 教授


股價操縱旨在使價格偏離基本價值並伺機從中獲利,影響資本市場運行、投資人權益與公共利益甚鉅,現存文獻中股價操縱的理論模型眾多,然而相關的預警卻一直未有適當的發展。本文嘗試根據財金理論結合計量方法出一個新的股價操縱預警方式,其利用不同的操縱手段中使股價呈現緩步上漲 (running-up) 的共同現象做為認定條件,精進監理實務中的相關做法。我們以1994 年至 2010 年之間違反證券交易法第 155 條業經法院裁定股票操縱的案例公司為樣本。研究證實本文的操縱預警效果可補足現行的注意股票公告,同時其所認定的股價操縱期間與法院審理所判定的期間也有相似或可供比較的表現。本文的警示方法不僅具有前瞻性、即時性,同時僅需要股價資料而使偵測成本低等優點。後半部討論到如何依據機率模式推估報稅資料中是否出現作假帳的事證。


主題: 生物多樣性與海洋資料庫環境議
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年6月30日 10:00am
講者: 邵廣昭 博士


Dr. Shao gives a general background of Biodiversity and its role in Biological informatics. He then deliberates how Taiwan's biodiversity database developed, how the international movement on open data impacts on the biodiversity and how Taiwan contributes and complements to the international biodiversity community. There are a group of datebase and website services, such TaiBNET(TaiCOL)、TaiBIF、TaiBOL、TaiEOL, subsequently developed for online services since 2001. The most recent one is TaiBON starting services from 2015. The more than decade enduring efforts of Dr. Shao on integrating Taiwan's biodiversity data and provide easy and open access to the data help significantly lay the foundation of Taiwan's long term scientific query on biodiversity.



主題:  Brain Mapping @Argonne
時間: 2017年5月10日 02:00pm
講者: Narayanan (Bobby) Kasthuri
  Argonne National Lab., USA


Dr. Kasthuri developed an automated approach to large-volume serial electron microscopy ("connectomics"). The Kasthuri lab continues to innovate new approaches to electron microscopic based connectomics reconstructions including making samples more amenable to automatic segmentation and combining proteomic and genomic approaches with electron microscopy. We are also now exploring the use of high-energy X-rays from synchrotron sources for mapping brains in their entirety. The Kasthuri lab is applying these techniques to developing, adult, and aged brains in service of answering the question: How do brains grow up and age?



主題:  Harvesting Value from 300 Years of Biological Inventory with the Lifemapper Platform
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年3月29日 09:00am
講者: Ms. Aimee Stewart, and Dr. James Beach
  Biodiversity Institute, U. of Kansas, USA


In this webinar we will describe the research goals and computational capabilities of Lifemapper software. The Lifemapper platform takes as input georeferenced point data of known species occurrences based on biological museum specimens and observations of species in the wild.  Lifemapper generates predicted species distribution models or suitable habitat models for plants and animals based on correlations between distributions documented by specimens, and environmental data layers such as climate, substrates, and vegetation cover.  In addition the Project computes multi-species distribution models for regions or continents into data structures known as presence-absence matrices which are then used to compute various biodiversity indices and statistics. These derived products are also useful for analyzing the relative contribution of historic biogeography and phylogeny on patterns of species diversity found in any particular area, region, or island.

  Webinar資訊: 請於此頁註冊,此次演講線上登入方式將會寄至您信箱。


主題:  Brief Introduction of ICT Development in AIST
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年3月14日 10:00am
講者: 田中芳夫 博士
  日本產業技術綜合研究所 資訊技術研究部門 主任


Dr. Tanaka explains the current organizational morale on pursuing innovative ICT and related human factor in AIST, which includes the research focuses and resources investment. The most prominent one is the AI bridging Cloud Infrastructure (ABCI), the largest investment on AI platform from Japan government, which is claimed to be able to achieve 130~200 PF in AI fashion. The facility will be used to strengthen the competitive edge of AI innovation for Japan.



主題:  Caches all the day down: Infrastructure for Data Science
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年3月10日 10:30am
講者: Prof. David Abramson
  U. of Queensland, Australoa


The rise of big data science has created new demands for modern computer systems. While floating performance has driven computer architecture and system design for the past few decades, there is renewed interest in the speed at which data can be ingested and processed. Early exemplars such as Gordon, the NSF funded system at the San Diego Supercomputing Centre, shifted the focus from pure floating point performance to memory and IO rates. At the University of Queensland we have continued this trend with the design of FlashLite, a parallel cluster equiped with large amounts of main memory, Flash disk, and a distributed shared memory system (ScaleMP’s vSMP). This allows applications to place data “close” to the processor, enhancing processing speeds. Further, we have built a geographically distributed multi-tier hierarchical data fabric called MeDiCI, which provides an abstraction very large data stores cross the metropolitan area. MeDiCI leverages industry solutions such as IBM’s Spectrum Scale and SGI’s DMF platforms. Caching underpins both FlashLite and MeDiCI. In this talk I will describe the design decisions and illustrate some early application studies that benefit from the approach.



主題:  German and European HPC Strategies
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年1月25日 11:00am
講者: Michael M. Resch
  HPC Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany


European and German HPC are closely connected. Over the last years Germany has provided the backbone of the European PRACE infrastructure that supplies researchers all over Europe with access to world class supercomputer. In the talk we discuss how the German concept of three centers has helped to stay competitive even with the US and how European politics is targeting to become a major player in HPC worldwide.

主題: An Informal Introduction on Applications of Weather Forecast Simulation to Fuhai Offshore Windfarm
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2017年1月13日 10:00am
講者: 郭志禹 博士
  中央研究院 應用科學研究中心


Wind resources in the Taiwan Strait are rich and wind farms have been scheduled to be licensed to wind energy operators. For large scale adoption of windfarms, understandings of the interactions between windturbines and local weather system are hence becoming important. To address the interactions, we apply the weather research forecast (WRF) model to Fuhai, one of the wind farm areas offshore to the Changhua County.  The applicabilities and capabilities of the model will be inspected and the topics will include wind farm wakes, typhoon simulations. The results will be validated by comparison to the wind mast measurements and simplified theoretical models. Along the line, miscellaneous related topics will also be informally addressed.

主題:  EPSRC Tier-2 "Peta-5" System
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年12月28日, 10:00am
講者: Prof. Filippo Spiga
Filippo Spiga joined HPCS at the University of Cambridge in 2013. A graduate in Computer Science from the University of Milano-Bicocca, he completed his MSc thesis during a visiting period at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), focussing on an early implementation of a mixed MPI-OpenMP strategy inside the Quantum ESPRESSO suite. Subsequently, he worked for research institutions/High Performance Computing centres (CINECA and INFN/CERN) and Enterprise R&D (T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research) as well as being part of wide multi-institutional collaborations (PRACE and EUAsiaGrid) spanning High Performance and Grid computing.  Prior to joining HPCS, he was Computational Scientist at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) where he undertook research activities inside the EC-funded PRACE 1st Implementation Phase project’s Work-Package ‘Enabling Petascale Applications: Efficient use of Tier-0 systems’ and through the Sub-Task ‘Accelerator’ within the Task ‘Programming Techniques for High Performance Applications’. His main interests cover general High Performance Computing topics, especially mixed MPI plus OpenMP paradigm, GP-GPU programming, application porting and, recently, low-power microarchitecture for scientific computation.


主題:  Global Climate Change ── Integration, Coherence, and Governance (Taiwan Experience)
地點: 屏東海洋生物博物館
時間: 2016年12月08日, 09:00am
講者: 李鴻源 教授


主題:  Selecting the Kuroshio Power Plant using Shallow-Water Model
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年10月24日, 15:00pm
講者: 梁興杰 教授


主題: Some Recent Advances in the Evolutionary Algorithms for the Optimization Problems in Discrete and Continuous Domains
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年9月19日, 10:00am (台北時間)
講者: 潘建興 教授
  中央研究院 統計科學研究所


Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms, like the particle swarm optimization and many others, enjoy fast convergence towards optimal solution via a series of inter-particle communication. Such methods are common for the optimization problem in engineering, but few in statistics problem. It is especially difficult to implement in some fields of statistics as the search spaces are mostly discrete, while most metaheuristic methods require continuous search domains. This talk introduces a new method called the Swarm Intelligence Based (SIB) method for optimization in experimental design problems within both discrete and continuous spaces. In specifi c, the supersaturated designs (SSD) , Latin hypercube designs (LHD) and minimum energy designs (MED) are optimized. The SSD optimization is served as a demonstration of the standard framework of the SIB method. The LHD optimization shows how the framework is extended to multiple objective problems. The MED optimization shows how the SIB method is used in continuous domain and how efficient if the initial particles are preselected. Ones can modify their own algorithms from the standard SIB method to tackle their own problems, like community detection in social network analysis, change-point analysis in functional analysis, feature selection in classi fication problem, etc.



主題: 建築空間文法 (Architecture Spatial Grammars)
地點: 台中國網中心
時間: 2016年8月29日, 10:00am
講者: 謝東儒 教授


Modeling is an important research field in computer graphics. Based on spatial grammars, we developed a HTML5 visualization interface for modeling of Chinese traditional architectures. Spatial grammars are implemented using Object-Oriented design patterns. With the help of spatial grammars, modeling of wooden structures no longer needs to be done manually. Instead, our system can generate traditional architectures automatically.




主題: AirBox: a participatory ecosystem for PM2.5 monitoring
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年8月22日, 10:00am
講者: 陳伶志 博士
  中央研究院 資訊科學研究所


In this talk, we present a participatory urban sensing project for PM2.5 monitoring. The key feature of this project is its open architecture, which is based on the principles of open hardware, open source software, and open data. By working closely with government authorities, industry partners, and maker communities, we have constructed an effective ecosystem for participatory urban sensing of PM2.5 particles. Based on our deployment achievements to date, we provide a number of data services to improve environmental awareness, trigger on-demand responses, and assist future government policymaking. The project is highly scalable and sustainable with the potential to facilitate the Internet of Things, smart cities and citizen science in the future.





主題: Communication Behavior on Social Media Systems
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年7月29日 10:00am
講者: 吳士駿 教授


Social Media is changing many different aspects of our lives. By participating in online discussions, people exchange opinions on various topics or contents, shape their stances, and gradually build their own characteristics. In this talk, we will present a framework for identifying online user characteristics and understanding the formation of user deliberation and bias in online newsgroups. Under the SINCERE.se (Social Interactive Networks: Conversation Entropy Ranking Engine), we have designed a dynamic user like graph model to recognize user deliberation and bias automatically in online newsgroups. We evaluated our identication results with linguistic features and implemented this model under SINCERE as a real-time service. By applying this model to large online newsgroups, we study the influence of early discussion context on the formation of user characteristics. Our conclusion is that the formation of user deliberation and bias is a product of situations, not simply dispositions: confronting disagreement in unfamiliar circumstances promotes more consideration of different opinions, while recurring conflict in familiar circumstances evokes close-minded behavior and bias.

主題:- Social Media User Opinion and Leadership Mining
A Communication and Tracking Ontology Development for Large Scale Earthquake Relief
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年7月20日 11:00am
講者: 陳雲鶴 教授

主題: Earthquake & Mountain Building
地點: 新竹國網中心
時間: 2016年7月20日 10:00am
講者: 李建誠 教授
  中央研究院 地球科學研究所 研究員


台灣是歐亞大陸與菲律賓海板塊聚合碰撞的產物。兩板塊以這每年八公分的速率快速聚合,造成了台灣高聳的山脈,以台灣地區的地體構造架構來看, 可以將台灣島分成十幾個不同的地質分區地區,各自有其特殊的地體構造及地質特徵,本演講舉三個地體構造區為例,包括花東縱谷地區、台中地區、台北地區,來探討說明台灣造山帶的特色。